When it comes to getting the best educational outcomes from a two-year community college, it pays to stay close to home.
The personal finance website WalletHub.com looked at more than 650 two-year community colleges across cost and quality indicators including tuition and fees, student-faculty ratios, and graduation rates, and ranked Lakeshore Technical College fourth-best in the nation for educational outcomes, LTC was also ranked among the nation’s top 4% of two-year colleges at number-23. Wallet Hub also ranked LTC the third-best overall in Wisconsin, topped by Moraine Park and Fox Valley in the 1st and 2nd places.
Niche, another organization that ranks community colleges, but using data from the U.S. Department of Education and surveys of students and alumni, ranks LTC 13th best in the nation.
LTC President Dr. Paul Carlsen called the recognitions an affirmation of LTC’s “…status as a powerhouse in the community college sector.”