I’m on record time and time again as saying that I have what my friends describe as ‘scumbag’ taste when it comes to beer. I like basic beer. Regular Bud. PBR. Busch Light. Coors Original. But it’s not for lack of effort. Believe me, in the interest of conformity (an obsession with me) I have tried to enjoy IPA’s, milkshake beers, bocks and porters, but I get 2-3 swigs in and think, ‘why am I doing this to myself? These taste like dirt from the ground.’ I’ve accepted the fact that my beer palette hasn’t moved on since my days in Stevens Point and I’m fine with that.
Which brings me to the above story; Black Husky Brewing in Milwaukee brewing up a Christmas beer with parts of the actual Milwaukee Christmas tree. Things I don’t like about it without having sampled it: It’s an IPA, it’s dark, bits of tree. Things I like about it without having sampled it: 9.9% alcohol. Actually, you know what? I do love me a good gin and tonic. And that has kind of a ‘sprucey’ taste to it. I wonder if that would translate at all.
Anyway, if you’re someone who enjoys sampling different different beers like this even though we both know they stink, consider this a heads up. I’ll stick to sipping on a PBR tallboy and staring at the Christmas tree instead of drinking it.
PS: I have come up with the perfect slogan for this beer: ‘Black Husky IPA Sproose: Tastes great, little full, lotta sap.’